Are you considering using infant childcare in Minneapolis? Do you think you may need childcare services conveniently located close to your work in a safe and clean environment with quality care and education for your children?
If so, you are not alone. Families and work places struggle with this need. Non-partisan research shows that US businesses lose more than $4 billion per year because of missed work related to childcare issues.
Families suffer because missing work adds to the already high-stress level of today’s busy parents. Consider the four signs that you may need infant childcare in Minneapolis.
You have your own needs, yet you must tend to everyone else’s needs. It becomes more and more difficult to meet the needs of your spouse, your boss, your subordinates, and your children. How can you be sure you are making the right decisions for your family?
Sure, you wonder if using infant childcare in Minneapolis will cause you to miss milestones in your children’s lives. You’ll worry about their safety and development. Be sure to talk about options with your spouse and determine together if it is truly realistic to continue being everything to everybody.
Some parents are able to manage servicing their boss and their children, but when a leadership opportunity arises at work, it is difficult to figure out how you will continue to ensure your children are supervised.
Using infant childcare in Minneapolis can meet the needs of your potential career advancement and leadership role.
An opposite sign you may need infant childcare in Minneapolis is that you are considering returning to school. Unlike the parent who needs infant childcare in Minneapolis because of career advancement, others need it so they can take classes to add certificates or a degree to their resume.
The higher your educational level, the more likely you are to advance in your career. Even if you choose online options, a quiet place to study and complete your work can be hard to find with young children under your immediate supervision.
Sometimes you have an ah-ha moment when you realize you have no time… at all. You struggle to find ten free minutes to email a friend or enjoy a sweet dessert.
You may make money, and have friends, but you have not time to enjoy shopping with your money and you never see your friends. Securing infant childcare in Minneapolis may be what you need to find a reasonable amount of sanctuary.
If the signs point to your need for infant childcare in Minneapolis, consider enrolling your child at Olu’s Beginnings.
Olu’s believes in a holistic approach to learning and shapes children with a unique eco-friendly environment devoid of any harmful chemicals. A professional experienced chef prepares nutritious and natural meals for Olu’s students.
Students at Olu’s Beginnings are given opportunities to interact with classmates of different ages and even volunteer senior citizens to help ingrain proper values in a secure setting.
The curriculum aims to teach respect and responsibility through social development and practical experiences for each child. Classes include time for Holistic Awareness that promotes environmental and cultural understanding of the world around them.
Other opportunities for children promote exercise, gardening, and multiculturalism within a comprehensive social curriculum. And parents are involved at every point in addressing the needs of their children, even the
We involve you every step of the way in addressing the needs of your child, to provide an opportunity to grow while communicating progress with guardians and parents. To enroll, visit or get more information by calling 612-824-1142 or emailing